Thursday, October 6, 2016

Happy Birthday

                  Joyce Wanda Tolar
                  b. October 3, 1960

Do they celebrate birthdays in heaven?

Surviving another 365 days upon this wicked earth truly is cause for congratulation and celebration .

So that when I pass this milestone each year or you awake on your natal day, we exchange greetings, well-wishes and hopes for "many more."

We even gladly endure the birthday spankings (if you are so inclined), though where this perverse custom originated I cannot say.

I will venture a guess that the "one to grow on" symbolizes the pain that accompanies growth.

But what about heaven? Is it useful to count the years in a place where "time shall be no more?"

It is useful, though, isn't it, for we who remain to recall and celebrate the lives of those whose lives have so touched ours. Fond memories, tears and laughter flood our hearts as we celebrate the blessing of having loved and been loved by these dear ones.

Happy Birthday!

...all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. -Psalm 139:16b