Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Look Who's Here!

 You ever been at your parent's house and someone walked in and you heard these words? Maybe it was someone we had not seen in a long time.


Or perhaps you have walked in and been greeted in this fashion. There is an element of joy expressed here and maybe even a little bit of surprise.


So I have loved ones who have gone to be with Jesus. So have you. And we read that there are no tears, no sorrow, no sadness there. And that is good.

Think Isaiah 57:1. Or maybe they have simply accomplished what God put them here to do.


The point is, I believe we are promised joyful reunions in heaven. Of course, beholding our Savior's beautiful face will be our chief joy. But there will be other well-loved, familiar faces also. Don't you think?


We read in Revelation the cry, "How long?" In addition for the desire for all things to be made new and sin finally destroyed, could there also be a wistfulness, a longing as well for the renewal of all those happy relationships? 


Isaiah 55:12  promises peace and joy; the mountains and hills will break out in song and even the trees will clap their hands!


And what a thing , to enter the gates of heaven and hear those words; "Look who's here!"