Sunday, August 6, 2023

Beds of Ivory

 ...these men have set up their idols in their heart...-Ezekiel 14:3

The human heart is a perpetual idol factory.-John Calvin

What's your idol? 

What is it that you love (even if only sometimes) more than God? That becomes (even if only sometimes), in effect, your god?


I could spot your idols (that speck of dust in your eye) from across the room. 


Strange, though, I cannot see the log in my own eye though I have a mirror (James 1:23) right in front of me. 


So easy to overlook our own failings, is it not?


But if I gaze intently into that mirror, I begin to see it. An idol.

I'll tell you mine if you'll tell me yours.

Ease. Comfort. Like those Israelites in Amos 6:4, I lie as it were on my bed of ivory and it requires much more effort than I would care to admit to desire to get up and be about those things that are required of me. 

This time of my own that I have desired since forever has become a snare, my idol. 

Pray for me as I seek to tear down the idol that my heart has made.

What is your idol?