Sunday, June 21, 2020

Faith of Our Fathers

Hear O sons, a father's instruction, and be attentive, that you may gain insight. -Proverbs 4:1

When he was 13 days old, my daddy's mother died.

Her father took on the task of raising him.

When my father was 10 years old, this man who had been the only father he had ever known passed away.

He told me, years later, that it felt like his world had ended.

My dad had been taught during those ten years to know who God was and that Jesus loved him and that there are such things as right and wrong. 

But I guess if you are ten years old and your world has ended that it might seem hard to believe that Jesus loves you or that right or wrong matter.

Blessedly that all changed when my father met my mother and at about the same met and came to know Jesus.

And so he spent the rest of his life teaching us what his grandfather had taught  him and what he read in the Bible.

And praying for us when we wandered down a wrong path and that we might come to know and love Jesus as he truly had.

You ever wonder what wonderful sights you will behold when you open your eyes in heaven?

I had a Christian acquaintance once tell me that he doubted that we would know one another in heaven.

What a load of baloney!

For I am very sure that my dad, upon entering the streets of heaven, met his mother for the first time.

And was reunited with his granddad.

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