Thursday, January 6, 2022


 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. -Philippians 4:4

Whatever. Is this the mantra of our age? Our go-to response at life's frustrations and aggravations, the overwhelmingness (not a word, I know, but whatever) of the whole thing? Another way of saying "I don't care" or "I quit"?

I was prompted by a friend's facebook post to re-read Philippians 4:8 and was struck by the context in which it is contained, beginning in v.4.


"Rejoice," Paul says, "be reasonable", "do not be anxious." 

Really, Paul? Apparently you don't know the stuff I face on a daily basis: problems of self-doubt, worry and general malaise (thanks, Jimmy Carter for that one). 


The general overall messiness of life itself.


Then "peace" is promised, and the old cynical me is tempted to respond with a weary "whatever."


But (writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit), Paul hands me back "whatever":

" true." It is true that I (and also you, I pray) have been saved by God's grace and given hope in the face of the world's invitation to despair.

" honorable." What could be more honorable than to show my gratitude for this great salvation by seeking to heed the instruction of this Word?

" just." It is a just and holy God who has promised these blessings. "Rejoice" indeed!

" pure." Again, the focus is re-directed to God who promises that we shall see his face who seek after him with purity of purpose (as given by the indwelling  Spirit).

" lovely." What could be more lovely than the One who died that I might live?

" commendable." How might I live, think and act so as to reflect glory upon my God? 

"Whatever", in this sense, is the positive opposite to the negativity with which the world inundates us and invites us to partake.


So whatever you do:




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