Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Jesus Dare

Would it be easier to be a Christian if all you had to do was press "Forward?"

That seems to be the gist of many of the emails I receive.

The point is often made that if I spend/waste my time forwarding jokes, pictures, cartoons, I should be all the more eager to send along Christian-related items.

It is true:
we are all in need of a Saviour,
Jesus is that Saviour,
those of us who already know Him are obliged to witness and encourage and uplift,
the world-wide web is an awesome way to span the miles between us.

So what's my problem? Just press "forward," right?

Well, maybe. But I have a few questions first.

Is forwarding Christian-themed emails the ultimate test of faith (they always cite Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26)?

How do I deal lovingly with the error contained in much of this stuff without being: snotty, condescending, know-it-all or holier-than-thou?

Is an attempt really being made to manipulate me through "Double-Dog-Dare" psychology or am I just paranoid (the 60's ya know)?


How come I feel just a little bit guilty when I press "delete?"

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