Monday, August 27, 2012

A Penny For Your Thoughts

My mind is like a speeding locomotive. My thoughts rush on in a train to whatever destination I choose. I arrive (sometimes in a timely manner) at conclusions. My thoughts are freighted with meaning (though many times only to myself).

I am blessed of God. He has promised that if I aim my thoughts toward heaven, my hunger and thirst will be satisfied. If I seek Him out, He will reveal Himself to me.

There is an urban legend that pennies placed on a railroad track will derail a train. I have personally busted this myth. It takes a larger obstacle than a penny to offset the weight and speed of a train.

My thought process is much more fragile. Even the least distraction can deflect the mind from things sacred to things profane.

So I pray: Deliver me from the evil one. Yes, Jesus has my soul firmly in his grasp. My desire is to be rescued from the power of evil to sway my thinking. From the bright and shiny things which distract me from the necessary things.

Fiery darts? Satan has no need of those.

The devil has a penny.

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