Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Like a Benediction

...the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; -Numbers 6:25

That smile.

Someone remarked that she smiled with her whole face. We have pictures to prove it.

One of the things I would do early on was tease her when she would become out of sorts with me. Instead of calling her Joyce, I would say "Joyous."

Which she was most of the time.

I have been blessed to hear countless stories of small kindnesses. Things done out of a heart of childlike faith and love.

For those unable to attend the funeral, I truly wish I could describe the utter beauty of that which we experienced.

How our LORD blessed us and comforted us in every element of the service from Martha Kendall's ethereal rendition of the hymns contained in the prelude to Deon Barnes' loving reading of the obituary and his leading us in the Apostles' Creed to Brother Billy's simple but profound exposition on Joycie's favorite scripture,  Psalm 91.

She remarked, after we read it together last week: "You don't have to explain this one to me, I've got it."

She has truly gotten it.

 Joyous indeed.

And we are blessed with precious memories of that smile.

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