Friday, April 17, 2015

Thanks For the Dance

...and the ones left standing, carry on. -Wayne Watson

Of course we husbands and wives are to faithfully minister to and lovingly serve each other. Christianity 101, right?

The thing is, there are apparently times when this might be the husband's or the wife's primary ministry in his or her life of faith: to nurture, support, edify and at times, simply to love that spouse God has given you.

We say as much in our wedding vows, don't we?

So I feel kinda dumb and very undiscerning to have realized this truth after the fact, as it were.
To tell the truth, I also feel just a little ungrateful, after so many prayers for guidance and employment in kingdom service, not to recognize that God had me exactly where He wanted me to be, all along.

The revealing I prayed for has come at last and it may be that this too, has come at exactly the right time.

I am grateful, upon reflection, for the opportunity to have served Ms. Joycie; grateful for the opportunity to have been part of and to have witnessed her growth as one of God's children.

I am grateful, in fact, for that slowness to understand that prevented me (I know me) from becoming puffed up or uppity.

I am also grateful to have witnessed the effect of her life, even in the face of her death, upon those around her.

The truth of Romans 8:28 is brought into laser-sharp focus as I observe those who had not considered their own mortality in the light of eternity, being brought into hard contact with this reality by the passing of one so dear.

So I ask you to pray with me. You might not know those of whom I speak. But know that there is clear evidence of the Spirit's working in their hearts which is firm ground for the hope of their salvation.

Pray for me as I witness. Pray for the dawning of light in their darkness.

And pray, giving thanks to God, for His mercy and goodness.

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