Thursday, September 24, 2020

Help Us...You're Our Only Hope

...if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face....-2 Chronicles 7:14a


Do you pray for this country? Do you know others who do? 

 What about your church? Does your congregation pray for our nation? 

There seem to be something like 350,000 church congregations in the U.S., most of them Christian.

 I wonder how many of them lift up the U.S.A. regularly during their worship?

 I want you to think about what you perceive as being this country's problems and how you (privately) and your church (corporately) bring these issues before God in prayer. 

You know what I think? I believe the Church has failed this nation.

You know what's worse? We have failed because we are asleep. 

In fact, if you believe that the Christian Church is the most important component in our society, why aren't you praying for the Church, for God to awaken her, to pour out his Spirit upon her, and that God's people begin to cry out, "Bow your heavens, O LORD, and come down!"

Or you may already be praying for that awakening. I sincerely hope so.

If not, search the phrase "Great Awakening" and see what God has done in the history of the our country.

And I wonder, if the prayer of a "righteous" individual (that's you if you have been saved by God's grace, and set aside for his service) "availeth much", how much more so will the prayers of God's saints, gathered together in prayer, avail with our Heavenly Father who promises to hear the prayers of his people?


Pray for the nation, yes.

But much more pray for the Church, that she become once more the leavening agent and source of light that this country so desperately needs.



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