Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Deadliest Sin

There's this hymn they sang in church when I was a little boy:
I Am Satisfied With Jesus.

At Grace Pres, we just celebrated our three year anniversary. I was doing a blog for the church website, reflecting on where we had been and where we might be headed.

I remembered the excitement of those days. We were doing a new thing. The faith of Luther, Calvin and the other reformers had not been taught in Obion County for nearly 25 years.

Time to stop and reflect. Is that passion still there? Or are we maybe too comfortable as we've settled into our new 100 year-old home?

We all know about the seven deadly sins. I'm thinking there's another one, much more deadly because it's soooo sneaky. Nothing wrong with being satisfied, right? Well, there's self-satisfied.

They call that complacency. You know, just comfortable and content with the way things are. Too satisfied to make our visitors feel truly welcome? Too satisfied to reach to out those in our midst just to ask, "How are you doing?" And then to listen? Too satisfied with our little group to speak lovingly and winsomely (pay attention here, rb) to those who don't "get it?"

Complacency. Hmmm, well you can see how that would be an easy trap to wander into.

Oh yeah, that hymn? The last line of the chorus goes: "And the question comes to me, as I think of Calvary; is my Master satisfied with me?"

I gotta remember that.

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