Thursday, March 6, 2014

Teach Your Children Well

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. -Deuteronomy 6:7

At The Wedding this past weekend we saw more than two young people in love with one another. It was obvious to all but those too blind to see that theirs was a Godly love; a love based on the love of their Heavenly Father; a love learned, no doubt, from an early age onward.

The  joy of imparting our faith to our children is one of the sweetest rewards God gives to Christian parents.

In the midst of regret that we, being fallen, have not loved them as well as we could or should have, there is comfort, as my friends the Kendalls would attest, in seeing them grow up to embrace the precious faith that God has given us.

We wish these two all God's blessings and His comfort in whatever trials they may face. We are confident that they will be dedicated to teaching their children the things of God.

May all of you with young ones be so dedicated.

Whenever an infant is baptized at GPC, the congregation is charged along with the parents to nurture this child in the faith. So that even those of us whose children are grown and gone and who may have fallen short in this task are reminded to teach the children with whom God has blessed us, the covenant children of the Church.

May it be so.

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